Giving Tuesday & World AIDS Day

Giving Tuesday & World AIDS DayKIDS purpose is to better the lives of children by helping to alleviate poverty, facilitating sustainable food and water solutions, advancing education, and improving health. Explain why you are passionate about supporting this organization?
The reason why I am passionate to partner with KIDS Initiatives is the model they use in program implementation and commitment. The program targets the population in need of specific projects like water, agribusiness which make a great positive impact to the targeted households.
What is the most rewarding thing you’ve experienced while volunteering with KIDS?
It has been very rewarding working with KIDS Initiative through sharing new ideas and embracing the changes needed. The accountability is also very transparent. The KIDS team visit the community which gives them a more understanding of the community needs and interests which have made all the projects very successful.
What has been your favorite KIDS Initiative project? Describe what it felt like to see that project come to completion?
My most favourite project is the Lemolo water project. Water is a basic need and it results in human health and time. This project brought a lot of joy and smiles to the community. Sourcing the water for their household was like a punishment because during the dry season they had to walk 9 kilometers one way and they were left with no option at all. They needed clean water and it was not available. I watched them saying more than a thousand thank you’s.
Describe what it means to have secured FIT funding and what this means for the future of KIDS?
FIT Funding is a great breakthrough in women empowerment. It came at the right time when the Kenya economy has been very down. Battering of the Kenya economy started in 2018 and things have been turning from bad to worse. The program is going to empower the women in their new initiatives and give education opportunity to the girls thus making the world a better place.

KIDS purpose is to better the lives of children by helping to alleviate poverty, facilitating sustainable food and water solutions, advancing education, and improving health. Explain why you are passionate about supporting this organization?
Education is the number one key to rid of poverty and it should be available to everyone. It is an absolute necessity for a sustainable future
What is the most rewarding thing you’ve experienced while volunteering with KIDS?
The most rewarding thing is to see the results of this organization and the passion of the founder, seeing that the initiative is making a big difference
Describe what it means to have secured FIT funding and what this means for the future of KIDS?
It really warms our hearts to hear that the funding has been secured and we really look forward to seeing the results and advancements that can come from such funding

KIDS purpose is to better the lives of children by helping to alleviate poverty, facilitating sustainable food and water solutions, advancing education, and improving health. Explain why you are passionate about supporting this organization?
All children have inherent rights. KIDS works to support communities launch sustainable and community-led solutions that support the fulfillment of those rights for current and future generations. I am passionate about KIDS Initiative because we take a decolonizing approach. Our goal is to build genuine relationships, to understand the challenges communities face, and to become a source of support, as they would define it. Most of the time that means securing funds or resources to make their vision a reality. This is a different approach from most international development organizations that swoop in with ‘solutions’ to ‘problems’ without meaningful involvement.
I am also passionate about KIDS because we are a small and efficient team. KIDS is a group of highly motivated volunteers; this allows nearly 100% of donations to go to supporting our projects.
What is the most rewarding thing you’ve experienced while volunteering with KIDS?
KIDS is about relationship building. We listen to communities on the ground and pool our resources and expertise to co-create solutions. The most rewarding experience was being able to tell our partners in Kenya that we were able to secure funding to support the development of a new resource centre to support the women and girls who are at risk of contracting HIV. The centre was an idea that emerged from community needs, we were able to identify and funnel resources to them to make their vision a reality.
What has been your favorite KIDS Initiative project? Describe what it felt like to see that project come to completion?
We take access to potable water for granted in Canada. We recently completed the water borehole project which involved multiple years of funding and support. Unlike most water borehole projects in Africa, the community leaders developed a process to ensure sustainability and ongoing maintenance by using solar power and a pay-what-you can model to support maintenance when needed. I am so happy to be a support to leaders in the community and I feel personally invested in their success.
Describe what it means to have secured FIT funding and what this means for the future of KIDS?
I think FIT funding is the beginning of a positive relationship with the Government of Canada and Global Affairs Canada in particular. It places KIDS Initiative on the map as an organization engaging in innovative, sustainable, and effective projects that improve the well-being of people. I am also excited about the relationship with the Centre for Global Public Health at the University of Manitoba, and hope that this relationship continues to grow and evolve.

KIDS purpose is to better the lives of children by helping to alleviate poverty, facilitating sustainable food and water solutions, advancing education, and improving health. Explain why you are passionate about supporting this organization?
I am passionate about supporting KIDS because it is a non-profit organization that is committed to help alleviate poverty and ensure sustainable solutions to the projects they’ve taken on. It is also important to me to know that the money I donate goes to the projects and not spent on a lot of overhead costs. Secondly, I’ve known Cat Ross for a very long time and I am amazed at what she and her team at KIDS has accomplished and continues to accomplish. They are an amazing group of people!
It is heart-warming to know that what I contribute helps to give basic needs of clean water and food to children and communities who do not have access to these. I believe that if everyone just gave a little this world would be a better place for all. It’s amazing what a little contribution can do.
What has been your favorite KIDS Initiative project? Describe what it felt like to see that project come to completion?
My favourite project was the Lemolo Borehole project. To know that the project is retired, and a community has access to clean water to drink, cook and irrigate their land with is life-giving. I am so grateful that I was able to help this project come to completion.
Describe what it means to have secured FIT funding and what this means for the future of KIDS?
I am so excited that KIDS has secured funding for the Kieni Fighters of HIV/AIDS Resource Center for Women and Girls. I know that they will do their best to help support this project and I look forward to supporting them as well and hope to make a difference in the lives of those affected by HIV/AIDS. With the dedicated support of volunteers, governments, businesses and the private sector I see KIDS having a great future in helping those in need. Keep going KIDS!

I am every day grateful for being part of KIDS Initiative, an organization that impacts the world positively, and that wants a world where everyone lives more and suffers less, like I do. KIDS Initiative is passion, love, and resilience, and has shown all of these with all the remarkable projects that it has accomplished since it was founded in 2009, and that will keep on showing throughout all of the future projects.
Being able to celebrate achievements like when the Kieni Fighters of HIV/AIDS Resource Centre connected to WI-FI for the first time ever, or when the Borehole project was complete and the Lemolo IDP Camp had access to safe and clean water, that’s when I realized that every single thing we do is worth it, and it’s what makes me proud and happy to be part of KIDS Initiative Inc.
Kevin Burgin from CJOB’s The Main Ingredient (KIDS Initiative Donor)
KIDS purpose is to better the lives of children by helping to alleviate poverty, facilitating sustainable food and water solutions, advancing education, and improving health. Explain why you are passionate about supporting this organization?
I am a father of three and know first hand how important it is for children to grow up with healthcare and the support of family, friends and community. I was fortunate to have my children born into a family and community where basic necessities such as shelter, food, water, healthcare and education were something that were always available to us. I feel passionate about helping the KIDS Initiative as children should never have to live with the threat of homelessness, starvation, abuse or neglect.
What is the most rewarding thing you’ve experienced while volunteering with KIDS?
While working with KIDS it has been so personally rewarding to know that their fundraising efforts here in Canada can so positively affect someone else’s life across the world in Kenya. I wasn’t always outgoing so coming out of my own comfort zone these last few years to where I am now in a position to help others is incredibly satisfying and humbling. I’m honoured to have been invited to MC various fundraising events for the KIDS Initiative and knowing that we can make a difference!
What has been your favorite KIDS Initiative project? Describe what it felt like to see that project come to completion?
I don’t have a favourite KIDS project but am so proud to be affiliated with an organization that is focused on helping vulnerable children who through no fault of their own may become victims of poverty. Through the programs that KIDS has completed they have helped children, families and communities begin to make the changes that are required to help all children.
Describe what it means to you to know that KIDS has secured FIT funding ($215,000) for the Kieni Fighters of HIV/AIDS Resource Center for Women and Girls and what you feel this means for the future of KIDS?
The securing of the FIT funding shows me that there are people out there that truly care about uniting to change the future of women and girls in Kieni, Kenya. This is a great start to the funds desperately needed to help address and educate those who are at higher risk for contracting HIV/AIDS and to help with the stigma and healthcare of those afflicted with HIV/AIDs.
Sysco (KIDS Initiative Donor)

KIDS purpose is to better the lives of children by helping to alleviate poverty, facilitating sustainable food and water solutions, advancing education, and improving health. Explain why you are passionate about supporting this organization?
As an employer of thousands of diverse people across Canada, we at Sysco care about the health of our employees, their families and the communities we live in and serve. We are very privileged to live in Canada, and wish that all nations had easy access to nutritious food and clean water.
When Cat reached out to Sysco we saw someone with purpose and drive who was going to make a difference. Watching KIDS’ success with programs providing the tools for fresh water, improving education in Kenya and helping us here in Manitoba understand the needs has been enlightening. To be able to contribute to KIDS’ success by supporting their fundraising efforts and donating food to make local events successful has been very fulfilling.
What is the most rewarding thing you’ve experienced while volunteering with KIDS?
We have a great sense of pride that is shared by our employees when we are able to make an impact with partnerships like KIDS. We are all invested in making a difference and when we participate and share our stories, it brings us together as a team. As the KIDS program grows to encompass First Nations issues here in Canada, we at Sysco can take a more active role in improving food security locally. Our partners range from local business owners to governing bodies to community food banks. Based on their needs, we can build custom programs and support models to help them be successful in serving their communities.
Thank you to all of our donors and team members who shared their thoughts with us for #Giving Tuesday! Every year, #GivingTuesday takes place on the first Tuesday after Black Friday. While Black Friday emphasizes consumerism, #GivingTuesday is a global movement centred on giving back, not only to our own communities, but to communities around the world. This year, #GivingTuesday also falls on World Aids Day. This makes December 1 an especially important day for KIDS Initiative, since your donations and support allow us to continue our work with the Kieni Fighters of HIV/AIDS in Kieni, Kenya.