Embracing Gratitude and Hope: A Journey with Korgoren Leonard from Lemolo Community
In the Rongai District of Kenya lies the Lemolo community, which houses individuals displaced by post-election violence in 2007 and from Mau Forest in Nakuru. KIDS partnered with the community on various projects, including the Borehole project. The project began in 2016 as the Agriculture & Food Security Project, with KIDS overseeing it to ensure reliable water access for drinking,agriculture, and daily needs.
In 2020, the Lemolo Borehole project, powered by solar panels, was completed. It now provides sustainable and affordable clean water to the people in Lemolo and surrounding areas, reducing the need for risky water searches during annual droughts.

Today, we are pleased to share a heart warming letter written by Korgoren Leonard, Assistant Chief of Lemolo Sub-Location,expressing gratitude to Cat Ross and the KIDS Initiative.
Read the full letter from the community here:
“Dear Cat Ross,
I trust this letter finds you well. On behalf of the entire Lemolo Community, I am writing to express our deepest gratitude to you and the KIDS Initiative for the transformative projects you have undertaken,particularly the drilling of the Lomolo Community Borehole and your unwavering support for agriculture initiatives.
The Lomolo Community Borehole has been a game-changer for our residents. Access to clean and sustainable water is no longer a distant dream but a daily reality. The borehole has not only alleviated the struggles associated with water scarcity but has also significantly improved the overall health and well-being of our community members. Your commitment to providing this fundamental resource is truly commendable.
Moreover, the support your organization has extended to our agriculture projects has had a profound impact on our community's economic stability. Through your partnership with Irene as well as guidance and assistance the community received, local farmers Lomolo farmers were empowered particularly on the value of crop diversification to industrial cash crops such as sunflower, sorghum and soybeans on top of the usually crops maize and beans.
The were also exposed to new techniques, tools, and resources,leading to increased crop yields and improved livelihoods.
The ripple effect of these agricultural advancements was evident in the enhanced food security and economic sustainability of Lomolo Community.However, allow me to inform you that for the last two years we as Lomolo and most parts of the country received very little rainfall that was not good for farming. This year alone we received ratings from April to June then it stopped all through to September. This resulted to total crop failure watering down the gains that had been achieved through your support on making food security a reality for the community as well as economic sustainability.
The KIDS Initiative's holistic approach to community development has left an indelible mark on our residents. Your dedication to creating sustainable solutions aligns seamlessly with our vision for a thriving and self-sufficient community. We are inspired by the positive change that your organization has brought about in Lemolo.
We recognize that such transformative endeavors require not only financial resources but also a genuine passion for making a difference. Your commitment to the well-being of our community has touched the hearts of every individual, and we are profoundly grateful for your continued support. Much appreciation also goes to the donors who have always made huge sacrifices to donate their money and time to see that the Vision and Mission of KIDS Initiative is made into reality. They have played a pivotal role behind you andare the main drivers working behind the scenes.
As we witness the tangible benefits of the Lomolo Community Borehole and the flourishing agriculture projects, we are reminded that your organization's impact extends far beyond infrastructure – it reaches into the very fabric of our communities you are working with, fostering resilience and hope for a brighter future.
Once again, thank you, Cat Ross, and the entire KIDS Initiative team, for being catalysts of positive change in Lemolo. We look forward to continuing this journey of transformation hand in hand with your organization.
With sincere appreciation,
Korgoren Leonard
Assistant Chief Lomolo Sub-Location
Lomolo Community”
As we read further into Korgoren Leonard's letter, we can't help but feel an appreciation for the transformative impact of the KIDS Initiative in the Lemolo Community. Korgoren's letter expresses how the drilling of the Lemolo Community Borehole and the support for agriculture initiatives have provided tangible resources and instilled a sense of hope and resilience within the community.

With the creation of the Borehole, the KIDS Initiative helped the Lemolo IDP Camp achieve Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations. From ensuring access to clean water (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation) to promoting sustainable agriculture (SDG 2: Zero Hunger)and fostering economic growth (SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth), the initiative championed by the KIDS Initiative exemplifies a holistic approach to community development.
Korgoren acknowledges the challenges faced by the community, such as erratic rainfall and its impact on agricultural productivity, which reminds many communities of the realities they face.However, the borehole, access to clean water, and enhanced agricultural practices have paved the way for improved health, economic stability, and a brighter future for the residents of Lemolo.
As we read Korgoren's letter, we are filled with hope and anticipation for the future. Korgoren's words echo a sentiment of gratitude for past achievements while expressing a sincere desire to continue the journey of transformation with the KIDS Initiative.
KIDS Initiative is grateful that our commitment to the Lemolo Community has not gone unnoticed, and the completion of the borehole project continues to serve the community. It's a reminder that acts of kindness can sow the seeds of a brighter tomorrow. Together, let's create a brighter future for our children!!
Korgoren talks more about the challenges of community in this interview.